Discovering the Genius of Our Creator in Nature and Scripture

I’m John, and I’m a retired engineer.  I’ve enjoyed more than 50 years designing things – most recently CNC machines and the software that makes them work.  So why am I writing about design in Nature and the framework of the Bible?

Since engineers spend their lives designing things, I think we intuitively recognize design when we see it.  To most engineers, nearly every aspect of living systems screams design.  Biologists claim that engineers just don’t know enough about biology to understand evolution.  


Engineers counter that biologists don’t understand enough about design to recognize they’re studying the most intricate, purposeful systems imaginable.  Over the past two decades or so, biology has turned out to be a lot like engineering, and engineering has become an especially useful way to study the design of life.

Most of us gather our knowledge of the Bible in bits, pieces, and soundbites, or from handy “quotes”, some of which you won’t find in the Bible.   This makes it easy to miss the Bible’s underlying structure that forms its compelling story.  Eighteen years ago, a family medical crisis forced me to re-evaluate my understanding of the Bible.  My wife Sandy had a brain aneurysm and spent the next two months in a coma.  She came home 3 months later quadriplegic, and spent months, then years working toward recovery.  I really needed to know what the Bible said, what I believed, and what I could back up with scripture.

At that point, I’d already read every book published about intelligent design, so I was absolutely sure that I have a Creator.  That became my anchor and my starting point as I began working to understand the Bible.  It soon felt like I was trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle without a picture to follow, or a “connect-the-dots”, without numbers.  I needed a framework for studying the Bible, with places to park all the puzzle pieces. 

In the same way that the framework of a house organizes it into individual rooms, based on their use, or that a closet organizer gives us places to put items that belong together, I needed an organized structure that let me put ideas into categories and see how they fit together.  So this site began as a way to organize my thoughts as I wrestled through my questions.

I’ve read that our mission in life is to prepare to meet God and help others do the same.  I decided to write down my thoughts, on the chance that someone else with the same questions I’ve had might benefit from it.